Secca therapy is a safe, effective and minimally invasive procedure that fills the treatment gap between conservative therapies and invasive surgery and implants for bowel incontinence, or BCD (bowel control disorder).

Secca therapy involves the delivery of radiofrequency energy to the muscles of the anal canal, which results in a change in tissue compliance and a corresponding improvement in incontinence symptoms. This outpatient procedure takes approximately 45 minutes. Patients go home approximately 1-2 hours after the procedure and typically resume normal activities within several days.

Candidates for the Secca procedure experience incontinence at least once a week, have failed conservative therapies (fiber, medications, biofeedback), desire a less invasive treatment than foreign implants and surgery. Because Secca doesn’t involve surgery, or introduce foreign substances, it can be utilized in a variety of patient groups and doesn’t preclude other treatment options. Studies have demonstrated that up to 84% of patients experience a significant improvement in incontinence symptoms after Secca Therapy. 

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